Why self host your blog and use WordPress to do so? As a blog/website designer over at J9 Designs, I get asked this question quite often, when there are many different blogging platforms to choose from, included, but not limited to Blogspot (Goggle), Wix, Weebly and even WordPress.com (which is free for most). Even if you […]
Web Hosting Hub (HUB) – The Best of Everything To Get You Online Faster
If you frequent my blog and have ever taken a look at my sidebar, you know I work with a few different hosting, graphics and even website theme companies. I try not to tell those who host their own sites/blogs, which company to use or that one is better then the other. Truth be told, […]
Commenting Systems–DISQUS or Intense Debate with Comment Luv?
When I first started to self-host my blog using WordPress’s Platform on my Confessions of A Mommyaholic blog, I was having trouble getting my theme to work with the regular WordPress commenting system that is included in the Jetpack. A friend at the time suggested, DISQUS Commenting System. I had truly never heard of […]
A “Beautiful Mess” Photo App Tutorial to Help Beautify Photo Blog Posts
As a blogger for a little under a year, I am always on the look out for some great new tools that I can use to beautify my own blog. I also read many blogs daily through BlogLovin, which I admit has become my new go to blog reader. Truly just love it! […]